Monday 20 October 2014

Film magazine case study analysis

What is the name of the magazine? Why do you think it is called that? 
The name of the magazine is Empire, why they picked Empire as their name is that they want to be a film magazine that will contain the best film content, films reviews and information on new films upcoming.

What can you say about the sell lines? 
The sell lines are mainly enlarged, the theme colours are black and red. This goes along with the film it focuses on the front cover of the magazine. The sue of blood is to demonstrate what the film is and what genre it is. There is not as much sell lines, as the left side is taken up by the enlarged main headline, Kill Bill.

What can you say about the layout design? (fonts, colour, schemes)
The masthead is the top as usual, but is being overlapped with the main image or model. On the front cover the white background helps the texts and image to stand out. It follows the colour schemes of the films blood and violence it is trying to represent. With the use of blood splats and fingerprinted blood stained  which helps the reader to be more interested in which film it will mainly focus on in this volume of Empire. Within the pages the pages are filled with a lot of information that is compact together, this results in the text to be put in text boxes and be read downwards than along the page.

What genre of the film does it cover? 
The genre of the film it covers is action, with the woman holding a katana which is a japanese sword with blood dripping from the edge of the sword which will suggest that the film is not for younger audiences. This will mean it focuses on older audiences into bloody action, a lot of action and less narrative in a film.

Which institution owns it? 
The institution that owns Empire is Emap, they are responsible for publishing the magazine and are the ones to ensure that the magazines have the right information and is correct. However upon searching online, they are now being published by Bauer consumer media.

Who is the target audience?
The target audiences maybe for both genders, who are interested in action. Why I think it does not appeal to one gender is because the model is a woman but is not really trying to put a seductive look as she is not half naked. The woman on the front cover focuses on those who may love action and fighting films.

Who are the major competitors of the magazine? 
As a magazine known in the UK and one of the best selling magazines here, its competitors would be external film magazines form the USA or other countries, but its main competitor would be Total Film.

Whats the magazines mission statement or slogan? 
"The UK's no. 1 movie magazine"

Discuss the types of representation on its front page?
A type of representation of the front page is it portrays a woman, she seems to take the role of an assassin or killer. Mainly for the action genre, the main character for that role would be a male. This is the opposite representation, as this clearly shows a role that male would have but instead it is a female.

Discuss any content/features that attempts to construct roles or attitudes for its target audience
As already said, there is blood that is portrayed on the front cover. This tries to show the conventions of a bloody and violent film that Kill Bill is showing, with the use of a katana in her hands. The sell lines also relate to the bloody violence it tries to portray, 'even more blood' to show there is more bloody violent films that the audience can look into.

What types of features are within the magazine? 
The types of features found inside the film magazine are the typical types of information you would find. For example films reviews, information on the latest films upcoming, interviews with actors that the audience may want to look at etc. For this film magazine it has the "50 rudest, crudest, funniest movie moments". This is a different kind of content that audiences that could be interested in. This means the contents within the magazine aren't just the conventional things you would find inside Empire.

What sort of film stars or directors are featured?
The film stars and actors you can find in this issue of this Empire film magazine are Mark Ruffalo, Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Uma Thurman,  etc. These range of actors and film stars show its not just focused on UK film stars just because its a UK film magazine.

How would you describe the house house style of the magazine? 
The house style is very simple, it sticks to its color scheme of red, black and white. The front cover is constructed nicely that it isn't hard to read. The font type is bold which makes the characters stand out. The placement of the main image is in the middle which the sell lines, head lines, sky line and masthead are positioned around it and do not overlap the image. The barcode is placed the opposite side where it is normally put.

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