Thursday 18 September 2014

Analysis of film trailer: Lucy

At the beginning of the trailer, after a glimpse of the film company Universal. We get a woman who has woken up, who seems to be in confusion of what happened the night before. A montage is shown, showing us the past night she had gone through and was not the typical late night she thought she had. Slowly revealing what exactly happened to her as she says "What did you do to my stomach?". This clearly establishes the protagonist of this movie, as it is named Lucy, the role of a female character. The montage brings us to a twisted story, the woman kidnapped and used to transport a type of drug or substance by placing it within her stomach. During this, is quiet music which suddenly changes pitch and intensifies the atmosphere. This grasps on her emotions as she feels more scared, confused and lost. However the tables have turned, as the substance leaks inside her, the screen blacks out. Which comes back to a close up of Lucy's eye, drastically changing the color of her eye and type every second. The music starts over, low pitch cello plays in the background starting the main story of what has just happened to Lucy. The teacher at the lecture explain what seems to be the substance within Lucy, while explaining it becomes a narrative over the montage that comes again showing her in action. What the teacher explains is what is happening to Lucy. This goes along with the genre of sci-fi, along with the action at the same time. The music then becomes loud, with the rest of the trailer demonstrating of what has become of Lucy. Showing what Lucy is now capable of, causing destruction and a killing machine. The locations of the film trailer is set in different places, from Japan and going to Europe. Her voice over tell us this, as she says "It's like all these things that make me human is fading away". Near the end of the trailer its displays the names of the two main characters, actor Scarlet Johansson and Morgan Freeman. No other is displayed which makes this movie about the both them, the link between the two of their characters are significant.

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